2020 in Anime

2020 was a bit of a crazy year. With the world wrapped up in COVID and murder hornets and the like, I ended up abandoning my blog for over 8 months. Oops. But as the year wrapped up, I thought I’d get back to writing in order to look back on it. Or the animeContinue reading “2020 in Anime”

Yoh Yoshinari: A Living Legend of Animation

This post took a bit longer than I planned for it to. I thought a good idea for one of my first posts would be to cover the career of my favorite anime creator. I suppose I should’ve seen it coming that I wouldn’t be able to hold myself back from writing so much; butContinue reading “Yoh Yoshinari: A Living Legend of Animation”

The Quarantine Panacea: Anime

With the looming threat of coronavirus keeping everyone locked up in quarantine, the outside world now exists only as a faint memory. It’s no longer safe to go outside, let alone interact with other human beings! We must now find ways to entertain ourselves without leaving the confines of our current shelter. But still, thoughtsContinue reading “The Quarantine Panacea: Anime”

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